Rainbow Butt Ruminations

The Earth as a Spaceship: Understanding the True Nature…

As humanity continues to explore the vast expanse of space, it is becoming increasingly evident that many aspects of nature serve functions similar to that of a spaceship. In fact, the Earth itself can be considered a spaceship, with many systems in place to sustain life and maintain equilibrium.

To begin with, the Earth’s atmosphere functions as a protective shield, much like the hull of a spaceship. The atmosphere protects life on Earth from harmful radiation from the sun, similar to how the hull of a spaceship protects its inhabitants from the vacuum of space.

Furthermore, the Earth’s climate system, which is regulated by the atmosphere, oceans, and land, serves as a thermoregulation system for the planet, similar to how a spaceship’s thermal management system regulates temperature. The Earth’s climate system ensures that the planet’s temperature remains within a range that can sustain life, just as a spaceship’s thermal management system keeps the temperature within a range that can sustain the crew.

Additionally, the Earth’s water cycle, which is driven by the sun’s energy, serves as a recycling system for the planet, similar to how a spaceship’s water recycling system recycles water for the crew. The water cycle purifies and distributes water, making it available for life forms, much like how a spaceship’s water recycling system purifies and distributes water for the crew.

Furthermore, we can see that the biosphere, the sum of all living organisms on Earth, serve as a life-support system, similar to how a spaceship’s life-support system sustains the crew. The biosphere produces oxygen, food, and other resources that are necessary for life, much like how a spaceship’s life-support system produces oxygen, food and other resources necessary for the crew.

It is clear that the Earth’s natural systems have many similarities to the systems found on a spaceship. From the atmosphere, which serves as a protective shield, to the biosphere, which serves as a life-support system, nature has provided the Earth with everything it needs to sustain life. It is a clear example of how technology and nature can work together in perfect synergy.

To further demonstrate this idea, we can use the following mathematical equation:

Efficiency of natural systems (ENS) = (Output of natural systems / Input of natural systems) * 100

Where the output of natural systems refers to the resources produced by the natural systems such as oxygen, food, and fresh water, and the input of natural systems refers to the energy and resources required to sustain these systems, such as sunlight and carbon dioxide.

If we take the efficiency of the Earth’s natural systems as an example, we can see that the ENS is extremely high, with a value of around 98%. This is a clear indication that the Earth’s natural systems are highly efficient and optimized, much like the systems found on a spaceship.

In conclusion, the Earth can be considered a spaceship, with many systems in place to sustain life and maintain equilibrium. From the atmosphere, which serves as a protective shield, to the biosphere, which serves as a life-support system, nature has provided the Earth with everything it needs to sustain life. It is a clear example of how technology and nature can work together in perfect synergy. This understanding can help us to appreciate and value the natural systems that sustain our planet and also to develop sustainable technological systems that mimic the efficiency and optimization of nature.

Rainbow Butt Ruminations

Chi-Gong for Mad Chi(mps)

Chi-Gong is an ancient martial art that originates in China, widely used for centuries to maintain overall health, mindfulness and spiritual connection.

In Traditional Chinese Medicine, also referred to as TCM, it is believed that there are channels that run through our bodies that conduct ‘Chi’ or life-force energy. These channels are important for each of us to maintain, otherwise the chi cannot flow through the body and cannot express itself and thrive.

It is for this reason the discipline of Chi Gong was created. The word Chi Gong, translates as Life-Force Training. It consists of a series of movements and stretches that ensure these vital pathways remain open and clear of blockages. These exercises are intended to train you to move in ways that are conducive to good energy flow through your body.

There are many different modalities and versions of Chi-Gong with different purposes and approaches. Some are very heavily focused on health and wellness in a physical sense, others are more focused on the meditation or mindfulness aspects of the practice. There is one modality in particular that is particularly interesting as it is strongly centered around the spiritual aspect. This is the modality known as Falun-Gong or Falun-Dafa.

Falun Gong is a very gentle yet very powerful version of Chi-Gong. It’s practitioners claim amazing health benefits and transformational properties. Though the exercises are extremely easy and gentle, they are reported to yield amazing results. In China, where Falun Gong originated, it’s practitioners are persecuted by their local government. It is actually ILLEGAL to practice Falun Gong in China. It is rumoured that not only do the practitioners get sent to jail, but because their organs are so healthy and superior to regular folks, their organs are harvested. This is rumoured to be the reason that organ transplants are so much cheaper and available in this part of the world. The sheer fact that a government would be so reactive to a practice of stretches and movements, makes you wonder if there is something more to it.

You can learn all about Falun Gong and these issues at the Friends of Falun Gong website.

Rainbow Butt Ruminations

The Metaphysical,Magickal and Healing Properties of Bananas

Bananas are known to many, as the ‘good mood food’. This brightly coloured, smile shaped food is universally known and accepted to make you happy whether you are a monkey or not. This is reflected in the scientific literature. One of its components; the electrolyte, potassium – one of the most important minerals in the body, is vital in keeping a good fluid balance in the body.  Potassium carries a small electrical charge that activates various cell and nerve functions and is essential to the healthy functioning of the body. Without this good fluid balance that potassium facilititates, your heart and kidneys will have a rough time supporting you and everything else becomes much harder.

In magickal practices, bananas are often used to represent and/or invoke good luck, prosperity, and masculine energy, and virility(due to its phallic shape). It is associated with the planet Mars, the element of Air, and the solar plexus(yellow) chakra.

In Hinduism the banana is significant too. To them, the entire banana plant is thought of as sacred…

  • In Hindu Mythology, Rishi Durvasa whupped up his magical power on his wife and turned her into a banana tree. She begged him then, that if he was to turn her to a banana tree, to at least treat her as a sacred plant. Rishi Duravasa fulfilled her wish and since that day, the leaves of banana trees are thought of as sacred in Hindu culture.
  • According to the ancient Hindu scriptures, the banana tree is equivalent to ‘Devaguru or Brihaspati’. folks believe that if you can’t afford yellow sapphire gemstone, the next best thing is to wear banana tree roots.
  • The banana tree is an ultra-religious symbol, that represents Lord Vishnu.
  • The banana fruit is used as popular offering to Lord Vishnu and Goddess Lakshmi. Some say Vishnu and Lakshmi love the fruit and they bless those who offer it with a happy relationship, tons of cashflow wealth and extreme happiness for the whole family.
  • During the festival called Durga Puja, the form of a Goddess is created with banana plantain. This Bodacious Banana Goddess is known as Kola Bou.

Anyways, these are just few fun facts about the amazing and wonderful banana plant.

Rainbow Butt Ruminations

Enter The Monkeys Party.

We have come here to spread the monkey message. We are here to awaken, enliven and envigorate your animal nature, to free your primordial primal primate creature, to re-connect you to a more rewarding and sane reality that you have always known to be right and true inside your soul. We open these dimensional doors with beats, booty shaking and wild word weaving, designed especially to cut right through the regurgitated illusions of the mass media mind control that currently pervades our shared Earthen space station. Join us on this journey, sweet banana brothers and sisters. Stay Tuned…

Rainbow Butt Ruminations

Bustin’ out Rainbow Baboon Beats and Rhythms

As we dig to the core and cut through your schisms. There is much to be divided over in this false flag fecal dumpster fire of the depths of the humanity’s dead dream. The Earth is alive and well. Unite with your bretheren and sisteren of the greater eco-systrem that you belong to, and build anew. Wise ole’ Bucky Fuller once said “Don’t bother fighting the existing model, build a new model that renders the existing model obselete.” This has never been more pertinent and potent advice. Come together with our allies in all kingdoms, mineral, fungi, plant, animal, between and beyond, we will find solutions. Hunt for the problems, face them down and realize real (r)evolution.