Eco-anarchism, also known as green anarchism, is a political philosophy that combines anarchism and environmentalism. It advocates for a society based on mutual aid, cooperation, and direct democracy, with a focus on environmental sustainability and preservation of the natural world.
Eco-anarchists believe that the root cause of environmental degradation is the domination of nature by human society, and that the current political and economic systems perpetuate this domination through exploitation and unequal distribution of resources. They argue that a truly sustainable society can only be achieved through dismantling these systems and replacing them with decentralized, self-sufficient communities based on ecology and social justice.
Eco-anarchism also critiques technology and industrialization, as these contribute to environmental destruction and reinforce the domination of nature. Instead, eco-anarchists promote simple living and a rejection of consumer culture, as well as the use of renewable energy sources and sustainable agriculture.
One of the key principles of eco-anarchism is the rejection of hierarchy and the state, which is seen as a tool of oppression and domination. Eco-anarchists believe that only through a decentralized, directly democratic society can individuals be free to live in harmony with nature and each other.
In practice, eco-anarchists engage in a variety of forms of direct action, including environmental activism, animal rights activism, and anti-globalization protests. They also work to build alternative communities, such as intentional communities and squats, which serve as models for the society they envision.
– Robo-Bonobo